Tuesday 1 March 2016

Huffington Post - Black Lives Matter baiting

For those who don't know already. Huffington Post in general is gutter journalism. Wildly biased reporting, misinformation, non factual claims & quite often the sheer raw rotten race baiting that has come to poison society in the last few years.

Now Trump is by and large a huge response to this very culture. Of course Huffington Post aren't going to like this guy, now here is an article that really typifies what we've come to expect from Huffington Post.


Then it goes to detail these 'Poor students' who were just standing in silence, not bothering anyone, not going to do anything, REMOVED PURELY BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK!!!!

Of course, this is BS. Every Trump rally almost without fail gets disrupted by black lives matter fools. They make themselves look stupid but they get some attention, and that's what they want. Here it's clear from their attire & their group they were going to do the same thing. Trump's team had them removed before they could disrupt the event.

Now they cry racism!  How petty...and of course Huffington Post jumps on this nonsense.

The idea you remove a group because they're black is highly inflammatory. You can look at this just from yesterday. There are always many blacks in Trump's audience.

Black Lives Matter 'activists' have invaded restaurants & ruined peoples paid meals, using the justification ''You are ignoring our oppression'' I am not kidding you.

They have stopped highways & blocked traffic. One of which was an ambulance with a very ill man who needed to get to hospital very quickly. They refused to move.

They have ruined many universities and college campuses by turning everything into race, demanding even segregation and abusing students who wouldn't join them.

They have rioted and destroyed buildings, cars, property and again used the justification it's a 'protest' ruining peoples businesses is ok in their opinion.

So they've got away with A LOT, and now they feel entitled. Like the world is their playground and they can do what they like, and if you do something about it, you're racist or the hateful person.

Now life doesn't work like that. 

Anyway Huffington Post of course mentions none of this, instead they throw in the KKK?  Who essentially died in 1980's. But somehow they keep mentioning this group. In fact more people every year in the US claim to be abducted by aliens than claim to be in the KKK.

They mention David Duke & apparently Trump refusing to disassociate himself with him. Despite the fact he has over 7 times, despite the fact Duke himself actually said he didn't endorse Trump at all. Despite the fact Duke has nothing to do with the KKK & claims he never really did.

And then they leave the editors note, which claims Trump is all the usual labels they have, racist, bigot blah blah blah. Which you know everyone has been called by now.

Of course in throwing in labels they threw in xenophobe. Which means fear or hatred of foreigners. Now Trump is married to an immigrant foreigner. Does this really make sense to call him a xenophobe?

But this is what these race baiting outlets do and have done for awhile. They work on fear, they make people scared to oppose illegal immigration by using labels to smear them if they do. That way people feel reluctant to speak up on issues that huffington post disagree with, and that's the whole method here. It's ugly identity politic.s

Huffington Post said 6 months ago they wouldn't give Trump more attention. Trump will be in the entertainment section his candidacy is a joke and won't be taken seriously. Now they don't say that, now they have articles about Trump every single minute.

They are a very disgusting publication that does nothing but cause racial division.